

Incentive programs for new and expanding businesses in NW Illinois.

协助成长型企业获得国家和地方的各种投资奖励, Including Enterprise Zones, TIF Districts, HUB Zones, Industrial Revenue Bonds, New Market Tax Credits and the Illinois EDGE Program.

Enterprise Zone Program

The Illinois Enterprise Zone Act was signed into law on Dec. 7, 1982. 

伊利诺伊州企业区计划旨在通过州和地方税收优惠刺激经济萧条地区的经济增长和社区振兴, regulatory relief and improved governmental services.  在伊利诺斯州企业区内设立或扩张的企业可能有资格享受以下州和地方税收优惠:

The Whiteside Carroll Enterprise Zone

怀特塞德卡罗尔企业区包括岩石瀑布的部分地区, Sterling, Morrison, Fulton, Tampico, Prophetstown, Lyndon, Milledgeville, Mt. Carroll, Savanna and Thomson.

Our Enterprise Zone Program incentives, 包括物业税减免和建筑材料的销售税减免, sets our communities apart from most other areas of the state.

Depending on the type of project, businesses may be eligible for state and local tax incentives, regulatory relief and improved government services. 该计划是一种行之有效的资源,可用于企业扩大业务,创造和/或保留怀特塞德和卡罗尔县的优质就业机会. Businesses must finalize an Enterprise Zone agreement, 同意保留或创造就业机会,并在企业区内建立或扩建设施.

From 2004 to 2018 the Whiteside Carroll Enterprise Zone has fostered $337.8 million in investments, and helped create or retain more than 6,592 jobs.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts


As a result of TIFs, new or existing businesses develop more jobs, more customers and more private investment. The jobs and additional investment mean more money for the community. Local governments, in turn, 是否可以使用TIF资金来改善必要的基础设施,如新建道路或下水道,而无需使用一般城镇收入. Local municipalities administer their own TIF district programs. 拥有TIF地区的城市包括岩瀑市、斯特林市和富尔顿市.

Economic Development for a Growing Economy Tax Credit Program (EDGE)

EDGE计划鼓励企业支持创造就业机会, 资本投资和提高所有伊利诺伊州居民的生活水平.


Tax credits are available to qualifying companies, 相当于从新创造工作岗位的雇员工资中扣除的州所得税数额. 不可退还的抵免额可用于抵扣应缴纳的企业所得税.

Tax credits amounts are calculated on a case-by-case basis. EDGE credits are processed on an annual basis, for up to 10 years, 根据企业提出并经本署同意的就业增长计划.

Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRBs)

对于寻求发展或扩大业务的中小型制造企业来说,工业收入债券(irb)是一种经常被忽视但很好的融资选择. IRBs provide tax-exempt, 利率远低于传统融资的长期融资, including construction and business loans.

The principal benefit of an IRB is its tax-exempt status. Companies may save as much as 22 percent in interest rate costs, because interest on these bonds is exempt from federal income taxes. 内部审查委员会也可提供固定或可变利率融资,对于200万美元或更多的问题最具成本效益.

irb适用于制造或加工有形产品的制造公司. 融资可用于购买新的制造设备, construction of a new facility, expansion of an existing facility, or the acquisition of another company’s facility. IRBs’ term varies from five to 30 years, depending on the life of the assets; however, the bank amortization rate may be limited to 25 years.

工业收入债券是符合条件的制造商可用的几种低成本融资选择之一. 经验丰富的出借人可以提供有关此选项和其他选项的详细信息, including New Markets Tax Credits.

New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC)



怀特塞德县经济发展部与经验丰富的NMTC银行合作,这些银行作为股权投资者和杠杆贷款人参与了这个地方管理的联邦计划. 银行与WCEDD合作,为低收入社区提供服务,为合格的项目提供资金.

Advantage Illinois

Small businesses are the backbone of the Illinois economy, and the Advantage Illinois program is there to assist. 通过与州银行业和风险投资家合作, we'll help entrepreneurs and small businesses start up, expand and create new jobs at a faster rate.

加强伊利诺伊州企业获得资金的渠道是当务之急. 布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)指出,超过95%的新就业机会来自企业扩张或新成立的活动.

“伊利诺伊州优势”计划旨在加速投资,缓解小企业的信贷紧缩, 这要归功于2010年《AG真人登录网站》的联邦州小企业信贷倡议(SSBCI)提供的7800多万美元.


参与贷款机构以滚动方式接受业务申请,并使用自己的承销标准和贷款流程. 这些贷款机构是“优势伊利诺斯”项目中受欢迎的合作伙伴.

Participation Loan Program (PLP)

With any PLP loan program, 金融机构确定政府参与的潜在机会:

Standard Participation Loan Program (PLP)

旨在使小型企业获得中长期融资, in the form of term loans, to help grow and expand their businesses. 部门参与从属于贷款人,利率“低于市场”.

Minority/Women/Disabled/Veteran-Owned Businesses

Similar to Standard PLP; however, the amount of financial support may range depending on loan term, MWDV majority control/ownership.

Revolving Line of Credit (RLOC PLP)

与标准PLP类似,只是采用循环信贷额度的形式. Maximum term is two years and further support requires reapplication.


  • Start-up costs
  • Working capital
  • Business procurement
  • Franchise fees
  • Equipment
  • Inventory
  • Purchase, construction, 对符合条件的营业场所进行翻新或租户改善,但不用于被动房地产投资目的.

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